Thursday 13 October 2011

Round Girl 1; Thanksgiving 0

Thanksgiving really tried to get me.

It lured me with the mouth-watering scent of turkey roasting in the oven. It called to me from the stove where fluffy - yet moist - stuffing was in the making, and buttery mashed potatoes were brewing. It all but threw spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing and sweet pumpkin treats at me. And did I mention the bread?!

I have to admit, the Fat Girl within me was massively tempted to indulge. A little. And then I found myself four cupcakes and one tummy ache later regretting the choice I'd made to give in to the temptation!

But you know what? I brushed myself off and faced the next day with a fresh resolve to keep going with my lifestyle change. I'm human, and I have holiday eating habits that are going to take a LOT of time and practice to make reasonable. 

Out of the three Thanksgiving dinners I had the pleasure of participating in, I slipped up once. Thanksgiving really gave me a run for my money .. But with careful planning, I was able to get through it, and when I was begging and pleading with myself to give in, I reminded myself of all the hard work I've put in to fixing my eating habits. And I also reminded myself of how far I've come not to ruin my success with one weekend. I mean, I'm finally almost able to fit into my jeans again! JEANS!!

And so I avoided the gravy. Took reasonable portion sizes of mashed potatoes and stuffing. Loaded up on the veggies. Stayed the heck away from foods that I knew I couldn't control myself around. And threw back a LOT of water.

One slip up instead of three splurge days = a HUGE win for me. And I lost weight in the process. I'm now thirteen pounds down!!! 

So take THAT, Thanksgiving .. and you can tell your little friend Christmas that I'll take it down, too. 

1 comment:

  1. :D You're awesome! I think Thanksgiving took me out though :P Oh well, onward and downward (on the scale, yes?) :)
