Friday 28 October 2011

Dear Junk Food: I love you but because you hate me, we are now fighting.

I learned an important lesson this week. 

I don't know if many of you know this .. Or if it's been kept a big secret ..

After eating healthy for a few weeks and having one really bad junk food day, I learned .. and get ready to gasp .. that eating only junk food / unhealthy food makes one feel HORRIBLE.

I know, right!?

My hubby and I had a day of badness where we indulged our inner fatties. And boy, did we ever regret it. 

I mean, don't get me wrong - the food tasted amazing on the way down .. But whoooo boy ..

The next day, we had ZERO energy. Our stomachs hated us. We were sluggish and grumpy. Even the windows of our apartment got on our nerves. If someone had come up to us and handed us a million bucks in cash, we 

A) Wouldn't have had the energy nor the care to run cartwheels around the house and
B) Would have been ticked off that it was ONLY a million bucks.

Compared to the days where we ate healthy and reasonably, where we had lots of energy and felt great? Lesson learned.

Hopefully I can keep this lesson in mind the next time the Munchies Monster comes to visit.


  1. Yes, it is true. I know that feeling. I have been eating healthy for so long now that McDonalds makes me feel sick after I eat it. Oh well...Keep on fighting the good fight Laura. I am on the front lines with you.

  2. Oh yes, but the sick feeling is so easy to forget when I get my next craving for junk food. Oh food....

  3. I must have missed this one when you posted it! Fight your fight against cheese! I miss your posts! :)
