Saturday 15 October 2011

Have your eyes ever been bigger than your stomach?

The answer for me is an unashamed yes. Heck yeah. Abso-friggin-lutely. I mean, come on, if there's a buffet bowl loaded with honey garlic chicken wings, am I really supposed to only take one or two? Pffffft.

Well that was me up until a few weeks ago, when I made the commitment to change the way I eat and how I look at food (well, I still ogle it and drool over it and it's up high on its pedestal and all that) ... But I think you know what I meant. I'm making the transition from food being a love interest, to food being, well, food.  

And in that I've learned to really watch my portion sizing and to limit how much goes on my plate (the first step for me here was recognizing that the plate is just a plate and not a buffet platter) . I've also learned to listen to my body's cues. I'll have a small portion of dinner, and then if I'm still feeling hungry, I'll grab a glass of water before going for seconds (because sometimes your brain can confuse thirst for hunger). I don't eat until I'm bursting out of my pants (anymore) .. I'll eat until I'm satisfied. See how responsible I'm becoming?! I'm growing up (and NOT outward!!) :)

There are many more tricks I've picked up along the way .. But that'll come in a later post, when it isn't late at night (stop laughing. ten pm IS late!!) and not suffering from the side effects of a non non-drowsy allergy pill and a turkey dinner! 

Until then .. Don't let your stomach rule your world. But most importantly, don't let your eyes rule your stomach! 

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